The Pharmacy Professional Study Program (PPSP) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was established in 2016 based on the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education’s Decision Number 183/KPT/I/2015 dated December 11, 2015. A copy of this decision was received a month later. The preparation for establishing the pharmacy professional program began when the Pharmacy Study Program received accreditation “B” on August 24, 2013. A team was formed to prepare the necessary documents and instruments for licensing the professional pharmacy program. Dr. Azrifitria, M.Si, Apt, served as the Chair of this team, while Drs. Umar Mansur, MSc, Apt, served as the Responsible Officer. Faculty members also contributed to the preparation, including Prof. Dr. Apt. Atiek Soemiati, Dr. Apt. Delina Hasan M.Kes, Dr. Apt. Nurmeilis M.Si, Apt. Nelly Suryani, PhD, Prof. Dr. Apt. Zilhadia M.Si, Apt. Yardi PhD, Apt. Ismiarni Komala PhD, Apt. Sabrina PhD, Dr. Apt. Eka Putri, Dr. Apt. Lina Elfita M.Si, Apt. Ofa Suzanti Betha M.Si, Apt. Yuni Anggraeni M.Pharm, Apt. Puteri Amelia M.Pharm, PhD, and Dr. Apt. Supandi M.Si.
PPSP UIN JAKARTA Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta admits students every semester, with the first batch comprising 57 students. Academic activities began in March 2016 during the academic semester of 2015/2016. Following a faculty meeting, Dr. Apt. Azrifitria, M.Si. was selected as the Head of the program, and Dr. Eka Putri, M.Si. was appointed as the Secretary (as per Rector’s Decree Number 545/2015).
Announcements and information regarding the admission of new students were effectively disseminated through the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta website, social media, and the pharmacy alumni network of the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. PPSP students come from graduates of the S1 Pharmacy program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah and other pharmacy institutions in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi. Admissions to the PPSP are conducted through independent exams, with the selection process announced on the UIN website and performed online.
The PPSP is committed to providing quality and sustainable education to create professional and responsible Muslim pharmacists, in line with the vision and mission set by the PPSP FIKES UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Institutions partnering with PPSP for practical training of pharmacy professionals include hospitals such as Fatmawati, Marzuki Mahdi, Mintohardjo, Paru Cisarua, Serang Dradjat P, Cengkareng, RS Pasar Minggu, RSUD Tangerang, Kimia Farma pharmacies, Serang and Tangsel Health Departments, BPOM, and several industries such as Reckitt, Molex Ayus, Sanbe Farma, Metiska Farma, Guardian, and Kimia Farma. Effective collaboration with partner institutions and integration of professional pharmacy education with practical training will enhance students’ skills in pharmacy services. Academic activities run smoothly with the support of education personnel and quality assurance coordinators: Apt. Yuni Anggraeni, M. Farm., Apt, examination/IBA coordinator: Apt. Ofa Suzanti Betha, M.Si., Apt, and Professional Pharmacy Work Practice coordinators (PPWP): Dr. Apt. Delina Hasan, M. Kes, followed by Apt. Suci Ahda Novitri, M.Si. Student competency evaluations included the Professional Pharmacy Work Practice Exam (PPWP), Computer-Based Test (CBT), Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Exam (UKAI) at the national level, and a local Obstructive Structure Clinical Examination organized by PPSP FIKES UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The first batch, which took the UKAI national summative exam in 2017, achieved a 100% pass rate. The subsequent batches achieved pass rates of 92% and 96% for the second and third batches, respectively. The third batch took the UKAI, which has now become an exit exam as per the joint decision between the Indonesian Association of Pharmacy Higher Education (APTFI), the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI), and the National Pharmacy Committee (KFN). The relatively high pass rates in the national UKAI exams have increased PPSP UIN JAKARTA Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta’s confidence in and commitment to producing quality Muslim pharmacy education. Effective support from the Rector, Dean, and the entire academic community at FIKES to produce professional Muslim pharmacists demonstrates UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta’s contribution to producing healthcare professionals to enhance the quality of healthcare in Indonesia.