Vision & Mission


To become a leading PSPP in developing and integrating pharmaceutical sciences with Islamic and Indonesian aspects to produce Moslem pharmacists who are able to compete at national and international levels. This vision is expected to be achieved in 2027.


  1. Organizing quality of PPSP education that is based on Islamic values.

  2. Carrying out research in the pharmaceutical sector and developing halal products.

  3. Carrying out community service by utilizing pharmaceutical science and technology.

  4. Establishing productive and sustainable collaboration with various parties that support the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education at national and international levels.

  5. Providing opportunities for madrasah/Islamic boarding school graduates to obtain quality professional pharmacist education.


  1. Producing moslem pharmacists who demonstrate Islamic integrity in their pharmacy profession, are competitive at the national and international levels, and can apply halal aspects in the field of pharmacy.
  2. Providing an education governance system that includes transparent, accountable, accurate, and efficient planning, implementation, evaluation, and sustainable development.
  3. Generating research outcomes in the field of pharmacy and developing halal products that can benefit society.
  4. Becoming a professional pharmacy program with the ability to actively contribute to solving issues in pharmacy and halal aspects for the benefit of the community.
  5. Providing strong partnerships with various parties in the implementation of education, research, and community services at both national and international levels.
  6. Producing moslem pharmacists from graduates of “madrasah” and “pesantren”.

Graduate Profiles:

The graduate profile of the Pharmacist Profession Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, aims to become a globally reputable pharmacist with the excellence of integrating Islamic knowledge, Indonesian values, and scientific competence in the pharmaceutical profession.

This is detailed of graduate profile description in the following program educational objectives (PEOs):

Learning Outcome Development:

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO):

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